Don’t Be Without Your Pet

    Let Us Help You Get Your Pet to Jamaica Asap.


    We Reunite

    Pets and Owners Separated by Oceans


    Love Your Pets

    We Know You Love Your Pets Like Family We Help You Be Together in Jamaica.

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    We help you get your pet into Jamaica legally. The new process to import an animal from a foreign country was changed in September 2017 and people wanting help navigating the import process use our services.

    We quickly learned that the government hurdles to get your pet into the country are difficult to complete and we wanted to help so we started Jamaica Pet Import. So we have distilled it to a more consumable process for our clients by handling all the testing and paperwork for you. We work with your vet or a JPI vet in your export country to get all the required tests completed and also with the national vets and the Jamaican vets that enforce the regulations for the Department of Agriculture.

    Every import has its own challenges and we are familiar with the challenges and solutions to make sure you are with your pet in Jamaica.

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    We can help you get your furry best friend into the country with the least amount of stress on you or the dog.

    Contact Us

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    We will help you navigate the rules and regulations posted in 2017 so you and your cat can be together in Jamaica

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    Exotic Animals

    Exotic animals need special assistance and we can provide it to you and the pet.

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    We are pet lovers!

    I started this business after spending well over a year trying to figure out how to get my dogs to Jamaica legally from the US. Many people suggested I just use a boat or plane to bring them in illegally but I kept trying and one day in October 2017 I got an email that the rules were being amended and I celebrated until I saw the pages and pages of requirements. After an hour and half with my US vet, we were still confused as to how to proceed and I decided there was a public service and a business opportunity here. I knew when I figured out how to navigate the system I would assist others to import their pets to Jamaica. So let me make it easier to understand the requirements and navigate the forms. 


    Social Responsability

    Jamaica Pet Import donates a percentage of all income to local animal rescues, adoptions, stray animal feeding, spay/neuter events and vet clinics on the island of Jamaica. We also work to help export Jamaican rescue dogs for adoption in other countries.

    Mission Statement

    Respect! We respect you, all pets, all vets, all governments and ourselves.

    Value Added Services

    We work with any import export providers and we can recommend vendors to help with all your belongings not just your pets. If you need to import furniture, vehicles or anything we can help you to navigate the islands regulations. We also can help our clients find long-term vet care in Jamaica and other pet services and servitors such as pet sitters.

    We help you import your dog, cat or exotic pet to Jamaica. We make it easy on you by handling all the processes.


    We assist you to export your pet from Jamaica to anywhere in the world. We have connections in most countries.

    Vet Services

    Whether its vet services in the export country or in Jamaica we can assist you to get the required or requested services.

    Added Services

    In order to make this process as stress less as possible on both you and the pet we provide platinum level customer service.

    We Are Pet Lovers

    The reason we perform these duties for you is because we love animals and want to make it easier on both the animals and the owners to be together in Jamaica,