Homepage Cats and Dogs Jamaican Pet Import is open for business!

November 28, 2017

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Jamaican Pet Import is open for business!


We are proud to report we are ready and able to start helping clients get their pets into Jamaica. The website has been launched and my labor of love has begun. 

I started this business to make the regulations that were posted by the Jamaican Ministries of Industry, Commerce Agriculture and Fisheries MICAF more easy to digest and adhere to. When I first looked at the list of blood test, timelines, restrictions and scary statements like “be prepared to euthanize your pet if they do not meet the requirements” I knew someone had to create an easier way to get out loved ones with us on the island. 

So since was going to be own first penny pig, excuse the pun, I figured this washy calling. But I need your help to spread the word to vets, Xpats, importers of household goods and all pet lovers. Please tell people about our services and share our posts please. 

Phil and Annie 


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