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Oakley’s Scarlet Annabelle (Annie)

Annabelle is the spokes dog for JPI and was the reason we created this business. She was left behind in the US when our CEO moved to Jamaica to work and the desire to reunite the two drove us to create this import business so you don’t have to be without your pet any longer than required by the import regulations. BTW Annie is a full bred Vizsla.

Phillip Duff

Phillip Duff is our CEO and Annie’s owner. He owns a call center in Montego Bay and moved to the island in 2016. He knew when he saw the regulations posted by the Jamaican Government in 2017 he would have to help others get their pets on the island. Phillip lost a dog (Oakley) while waiting to get his dogs to the island and this just drove his ambition to help others get their pets imported ASAP.